Food Bank of the Rockies

RBC Wealth Management Denver Complex once again served as the Co-Sponsor of the Joe and Debbie Sakic Bringing Hope to the Table event to benefit Food Bank of the Rockies. The event, chaired by Denver Tech Center Senior Vice President and Financial Advisor, Mark Boshoven, helped raise enough money to provide 1 million meals to young people in need throughout the Rocky Mountain region.
2018 marked the 20th year for the event and RBC Wealth Management has been a part of each and every one of the fundraisers.
Founded in 1978 in Denver, Food Bank of the Rockies has extended its reach across Colorado and southern Wyoming, providing food and supplies to more than 600 hunger-relief programs. In 2018, the Food Bank of the Rockies network distributed nearly 66 million pounds of food – enough to provide more than 145,000 meals each day to children, seniors and families in need.
Thanks to donations and significant volunteer hours, 96 cents of every dollar received by Food Bank goes directly to food distribution programs.